Debra Poulsen

My name is Debra Poulsen, and have been married to Franklin Seth Poulsen for 42 years. We have a family of 4 beautiful children, and 8 wonderful grandchildren. My life has been spent in service to my Church and community. My husband and I both love music and have done a lot of performing and teaching throughout the years.

My first experience in recognizing my love of Country was in my Elementary years as I would participate with my classmates as we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. This observance of devotion to our flag and country had a profound affect upon me. Our little town in Taylor, Az where I was raised always celebrated the 4th of July with a Jennings Band that traveled around on the back of trucks serenading the town beginning at 5:00 in the morning. I would never miss lending my talents in music each year in this event. The stirring songs of Patriotism were again embedded in my heart and mind and had a powerful affect on me through the years.

Later in life I would participate with other friends and acquaintances to learn about the issues facing our State and Nation. This effort evolved into the formation of the “United Women’s Forum” which I was instrumental in starting for the State of Utah. Many other wonderful women have carried this tradition forward. They spend time every year working at the Legislature to provide influence upon our leaders in promoting Constitutional Government and maintaining the values of a “god fearing” citizenry.

I would go on to serve a mission with my husband to Chile, a country in South America, sharing the principles of faith in God and the observance of a moral centered life. Now I am back working with Jen in this venture to awaken our citizens here in Utah to the importance of returning to Constitutional principles. This effort I feel is basic and needed throughout our Republic. Our founders understood the basic doctrine of liberty and made every effort to provide us a document that would protect us in the observance of our unalienable rights.

I am happy to share my love of Country and freedom, in some small way to help the State of Utah as I serve as the Secretary for the “Constitution Education Foundation.”